Aquariums Can Be Fun With A Young Child (I Promise!)

I took my son to the Georgia Aquarium. This was one of the better planned trips I have done. First, I bought the tickets online  and This allowed me to skip the line for tickets. I also picked Monday, non-holiday, to visit so the place was not too crazy. I went to the aquarium 30 minutes after it had opened. This allowed for the initial rush to be over and still be early enough before the place started to get busy.Then, I made the decision to go to the ocean section first, this is the one that has all the ocean going fishes, stingrays and whale sharks. You go through a tunnel and the sea life is all around you. It was not to busy so my son could easily get close to the glass to see the sea life. He loved it.

Next we did the cold sea life section, this had the beluga whales. He didn’t seem to enjoy them as much, maybe because they were so big and for the most part were farther away. It was still not to busy, so he was able to go through this section easily.

Also, when I walked in I took a picture of the performance times of the sea lion show and the dolphin show. After seeing these two sections we did the sea lion show. He enjoyed it. The first ten rows do get wet, I decided it might not be the best to have a wet two year old with a diaper and sat in the section just behind the tenth row.  My son enjoyed the show. It was also a good break.

Next we did Ocean Voyager which was another nice section of exhibits. Here he got to see an octopus. He was scared of it at first since it was right on the glass and there were just tentacles for him to see, the octopus’ face was behind his arms. Once I explained to him that it was Hank from “Finding Dory” he was excited to see it and finally the octopus turned around for him to see.  Also, we went to an aquarium that had Dory and Nemo in it and he loved that.

After that I noticed that the Dolphin show was ready to let people in. We headed there about 30 minutes before. Which, considering how filled it became, was not a bad idea. Also, they had a movie screen that the kid could watch while we waited for the dolphin show to start. Also, the performers did some talking before the show, which helped to break up the wait time. My son enjoyed the show and I did to.

The last section we went to was the Tropical Diver and there we saw more sea life and jellyfish.

I originally was going to go and come back but we spent about three hours there and I was tired, so we ended after this section. I thought it was a great aquarium and that the admission included the two shows, which was all inclusive. One could also do a 4D movie, but my son would not have been able to sit still for all that time.

We went to Atlanta Breakfast Club for lunch. This worked out well since it was close by. The food was all right, I think the french toast was over-cooked, but my chicken and waffles were yummy!


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