Children’s Book Inspired by Dreams

Jayke Brown is an author of the children’s book Imagine That on an important life lesson among friends and adventures that you can have in your dreams. His co-author on the book is Will Jiménez.

Tell me about your children’s book?

This book was an inspiration from my six-year-old daughter when she was three.

We enjoyed a nice day and at night she had a magical night of dreaming about our day and I decided I could turn that into a book.

Still to this day she and I even say we will meet in our dreams as we keep them as magical places!

What is the book’s message? 

It is to never stop dreaming and also it helps children understand and to deal with the loss of a pet.

What is the book’s audience?

I wrote it when my daughter was three so I say three to ten years old but even people my age or older seem to enjoy it so as long as we keep dreaming and are kids at heart truly any age.

How long is the book? 

The book is about 22 pages in all including pages of illustrations.

Why did you decide to write a book? 

My daughter inspired me. One day we went to church, out for lunch, and then to a monument with a slot of steps, and after waking the next day my daughter told me she dreamed that she ran up steps to heaven to give God a high five and then had lunch with him. It just sparked in me a desire to write a story based off of hearing this from her.

Who is the illustrator of the book?

The illustrator is Adilson Adão who is from Brazil.

Tell me about your family life as a gay dad?

When I wrote this I was a single gay dad. Before that, I adopted my daughter while with a long-term partner who is now my ex. Since the book, I had dated but found my now husband over two years ago. Being a gay dad or just a dad makes no difference though to me. It’s about love, education, and care you have to give to your little one.

Anything else you would like to add? 

Thank you to everyone for helping me and my family makes our dreams become reality!

Where can you purchase the book? 

Only on Amazon as an E-Book or Paperback.


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