Dear Pre-School Class

Our son is writing letters to his class. This is his first letter. We’ll share these as we go from one adventure to another!

Last week I got to see both sets of grandparents and my cousins before leaving home.

The flight was long, but I had a TV in my seat and I watched Lego Batman. They also gave me yummy cookies.

Then we landed in London, England. We got to ride in a train that runs underground, they call it the Tube.

They kept telling me to “mind the gap” and I’ve repeated to my dads so they know to do this since then.

We went to the transport museum where I could climb up to the top of the red double-decker buses.

Buckingham Palace is where the Queen lives, but she wasn’t home. Although we were able to see the Changing of the Guard and there was even a band.

We went to the Tower of London and saw crowns with sparking jewels.

We ended our time in London by visiting Windsor Castle and saw a knights armors and huge rooms. The past paintings of kings and queens reminded me of the movie “Frozen.”

Friday we flew to Munich, which was not as long as the one from Boston. Here I got see my cousins and our daddies friends wife who also had a kid so lots of fun playing with them.

Monday we visit a huge museum with dad.


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