Dear Pre-School Class: Falcons, Tigers and Volcano Cake

This past week we celebrated my birthday in Germany. My dads had fun-filled adventures planned for me.

Thursday we went to the aquarium. My favorite part was seeing the jellyfish. I loved seeing them float around. We also saw sharks, stingrays and puffer fish.

On Friday we went to the zoo and I saw my favorite animal, which is the tiger. I wore my St. Louis Zoo shirt so the German zoo animals would know where we are from. I showed the elephants my shirt and then took a picture for my dad. We went up this tower and we were eye to eye with a giraffe. The zoo also had a huge play area and I pretended that the tree house was my castle and my daddy was a knight.

Drew blowing out his candles at the Wildlife Park by the ticket stand. We had to do it here because of the wind.

Saturday, my birthday was spent at an animal reserve. We took a train and went to the wildlife park that you can see bears, goats, deer and lots of other animals. Our friends made me a birthday cake that had dinosaurs on it and a volcano spewing Oreos and brought it with them to the park. We had a picnic outside by the the deer and we even fed them afterwards.

We walked further into the park and watched the rams buck each other, you have to be careful they are roaming free. Some people would leave food for them on tree stumps. It was wild to watch them take a little food and run off back to their pack.

We saw eagles perform in a birds of prey show. The falcons swoop above you, it was amazing. One eagle came really close and I could watch in walk by us, they are huge.

Birds of Prey Show

Sunday, we went to the English Garden and watched people paddle boat on a huge lake. The best part here was going from playground to playground. I love that Munich has all these places to play. We ended the weekend by having noodles at nearby Vietnamese restaurant, yummy!


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