Dear Pre-School Class: Seeing Berlin, Gottingen and a Huge Palace

Last week we went to Berlin, Gottingen and saw what my dad called the palace of Schloss Nymphenburg.

Out on the paddleboat.

We headed to Gottingen where papa had work. We went out on paddleboats on a big lake.

Drew among the castle ruins

Then we went up to a high hill and saw castle ruins.

Closeup of the “Goose Girl” statue

In the town there is this statue called the “Goose Girl” and she always has a full bouquet of flowers.

Then we spent a day in Berlin.

Drew at a remnant of the Berlin Wall

Here I saw parts of the Berlin Wall that once separated the city.

At the former Checkpoint Charlie where you can get a picture taken with a fake soldier

There were men dressed in military fatigue at Checkpoint Charlie.

Back of the gate

We went to this stone gate with tall columns called the Brandenburg Gate.

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial

Lastly, we went to the ruins of church of what my dad said was the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church that was bombed in World War II.

Schloss Nymphenburg Palace

Back in Munich we toured the Nymphenburg Palace.

Royal carriage

We saw horse carriages like Snow White.

Dragon defeated on a sled

Amazing huge sleds and one had a sculpture of dragon being defeated.

A statue in the gardens around the palace

It had huge gardens with statues everywhere that we explored all day, whew, I’m tired!

Drew in the garden by the Pan Statue
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