We visited Hamburg to see a close friend and tour a port city surrounded by water and see the sea.
In Hamburg we got to go up this really tall church tower and look from the very top seeing the city lay out below us.
We took a walk through the world’s first tunnel that went under a river. It was originally built for wagons and horses.

We saw where the Beatles first played, something my fathers enjoyed seeing.
The city also had this brand new concert hall that you went up on a very long escalator, it seemed to go on forever, before you reached the top to the observation deck.

The best part of this visit was going to the Baltic Sea. It was a warm day and I could dip my toes in the clear water. It was cold though. I made sand castles with my dads using a coffee cup. We made a moat and we even collected cool shiny rocks.

Our last meal in Hamburg was done in an old light ship that came from London. You could feel the boat floating in the river, although it didn’t go anywhere. It was anchored.
I enjoyed checking out the engine rooms and touching all the controls.
They even had an old time phone that I said “Hello” from, it was so cool.
Then after the restaurant we took a ferryboat from stop to stop going by huge boats.
I can’t wait for the next adventure my dads have planned.