We headed to the big Swiss city of Zurich and took a short funicular up to see over the city on the lake. I went to a restaurant that put cheese on everything, yummy.

Lucerne was a city of wooden bridges. They were long and went across this clear river. It was rainy a bit so it was nice not to have to get wet.

In their history museum you used on ipad to learn about what was on display. I loved putting the ipad up to the bar code and having my daddies read off what they were, the items could be sword, a Roman statue or a toy from long ago.
On the way home we went to the Rhinefalls. This is this huge waterfall on the Rhine River. You take a boat to the center of the falls and I got wet of course. It was a little cold, but it was the first time I’ve been that close to a waterfall. It was amazing.
The last thing we did before heading home was going to the Zeppelin Museum. Here you could pretend to drive your own Zeppelin.

What I really enjoyed was the Zeppelin play area outside the museum, which included a lookout and a slide in your very own kid Zeppelin! I can’t wait to see what our next adventure is!