Driving Across America with Albert Einstein’s Brain

“Driving Mr. Albert: A Trip Across America with Einstein’s Brain” is sort of a bizarre travelogue, memoir, biography and history story all in one.

Albert Einstein’s brain floats in a Tupperware bowl in a gray bag in the trunk of a Buick Skylark barreling across America. Driving the car is journalist Michael Paterniti. Sitting next to him is an 84 year-old pathologist named Thomas Harvey, who performed the autopsy on Einstein in 1955 – then simply removed the brain and took it home. And kept it for over 40 years. The book follows their journey with the brain across America on Interstate 70 to California to meet Einstein’s granddaughter, Evelyn.

The book is not a normal travel book by any means, but it is a fun read, and worth checking out if you want something a bit different.

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