Fifth Birthday during Coronavirus

Andrew’s birthday was spent at home. We were going to have a party for him, but that had to be canceled. He was not the only kid that this happened in his class, so that helped, it was still sad though. We also couldn’t go out to many places today. Yet, being five, he was more concerned about presents, so that part was good.

We started the morning by me making homemade waffles for him. I’ve gotten better at this through the years.

He got a lot of games for his birthday, which is good since we’re spending a lot of time at home together. This included puzzles, the game Trouble and some superhero ones that I’ll have to figure out.

After breakfast, we put together a Spiderman and Venom puzzle. Then we played a superhero game that allowed you to play different heroes on different boards. It was sort of like Chutes and Landers, but with superheroes. You moved forward by pressing a buzzer that would play a short musical number, which after a while can be annoying, I think the game makers do this on purpose. We played one board with Fantastic Four and another with X-Men before calling it quits.

Lunch was Mexican and included nachos, enchiladas along with rice and beans. The grand finale was, of course, birthday cake. David did a good job picking out a Spiderman cake for him. I couldn’t go with him since one has to stay with the kid now. It also had a light up Spiderman that came with it, which he really liked.

We had two video phone calls from my family. It was nice that my mother could see him and learn how his birthday went. My sister called and sang happy birthday to him. David’s parents, brother and sister also called, so at least we had a full day of family.

One cool thing that happened was a neighbor that we see often on the street walking their dog came by and dropped off a cool balloon and some glowing colored balls for Andrew for his birthday. This was totally unexpected and shows how nice people can be during coronavirus.

Riding his new bike. I had a similar red bike when I was a kid. He also likes the color red.
Riding his new bike. I had a similar red bike when I was a kid. He also likes the color red.

After lunch we had time to work with him on his big present, which was a bicycle with pedals. He had been using a glider one before. I had the guy put training wheels on it and David thought it would be better without them since that was the point of the glider bike. They were on tight. We couldn’t get them off. So I had to head back to the bike shop and have him take them off. He has better tools then we do.

Finally, we got started. I walked with him to get used to it. He kept pedaling backward which was causing the bike to brake. I had to keep telling him not to do that over and over until finally he got the hint and his riding improved.

The other thing we got for him and ourselves with all this time at home was Disney Plus. On it, he wanted to watch Star Wars Rebels. This is a decent show and something I enjoyed more than is Puppy Dog Pals.

For dinner, we went to our favorite local barbecue place, Doc’s Smokehouse for nachos, ribs and pulled pork was on the menu along with his rice crispy treat. This was all done by us calling it in and picking it up curbside. I am glad the place is still open since it is a local place and not a chain.

Lego Space Shuttle
Lego Space Shuttle

After dinner was putting together toy time, one of his aunts got him a Lego Research Shuttle which we did together. It was our big project for the day. Since it was for a young age group they did it step by step so that helped. The Lego kit included smaller ships and a satellite. Andrew loved it.

It was not the day we imagined for his fifth birthday, but if at the end of the day he was happy, I think it turned all right.

I will write up the rest of the Week Three Coronavirus later this week.

Out helping me mow.
Out helping me mow.

Life Under Coronavirus: Week One

Life Under Coronavirus: Week Two

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