We were off to Boston once more to see my husband’s parents and his sister. We were looking at activities to do close to their house. Our little boy needs to be active otherwise like normal little boys he can get fussy.
We tend to do trips around fall break since my husband is a college professor. A few years back we went to see his brother in Florida. A nearby park had a fall festival. Even though our son was only a few months old, he enjoyed it since there was a lot to see such as an expansive pumpkin patch for pumpkins to touch. Halloween displays included a biplane with ghouls, funny scarecrow zombies and silly black spiders. It was all family-friendly he was not scared and loved seeing the visual cornucopia around him. Besides the beaches, if you are ever in Fort Myers in October this is a fun activity to checkout!
On this trip, we lucked out at that the nearby school had a Pumpkin Fair, which included, games, family friendly haunted house and my son’s favorite bounce houses.
We headed over right when it opened to avoid the crowds. I’m a big supporter of going to an event or festival EARLY for a number of reasons. Usually it is less crowded and in the summertime it is cooler. If you can’t do early, do late, coming at the middle is the worst since you could face long lines for activities. This is not good for kids who are still learning how to be patient.
My son for the first time climbed up to the bounce slide and slid down. He was a champ at this. One of the bounce houses kept him jumping around for a while since a line had not developed yet for this activity.

Our son now wants to take part in the games and we went to one where he could use a crossbow to shoot a Nerf dart at a target, which he wanted to do more than once. He didn’t win a prize, but enjoyed the experience.
The haunted houses were setup for different age levels; one was for kids who were ready for someone or something to jump out at them, another that was dark, but without the spooks and the other with the lights on. We did the one that was dark and he found the vampires, werewolves and mummies strange, but he wasn’t scared. I did carry him the whole time, which helped. I thought he was brave to go through his first haunted house at age three and half!
We ended the day by finding pumpkins to bring back to his aunt and grandparents. A perfect gift for Halloween!