Return to Pre-School

Andrew wanted extra hugs goodbye, but his first day back to pre-school went well.

We started the morning with him eating a few blueberries before putting his clothes on.

Going back to school has new requirements.

Mask Wearing

They have to wear masks while they are there except when eating, napping, or outside. The mask had to be labeled with his name on it.

We had found some cloth masks on Etsy that had Star Wars and Spiderman on them so he really liked them.

The staff there are wearing proper PPE mask and they are adhering to strict cleaning and hand washing.

We explained to him a few times about the changes made at the pre-school and he seemed to understand.

The pre-school had also recommended that he spend time at home with his mask on so he spent time around the house with it on.

He of course has used them when we’ve gone into a store or had to use a restroom at a gas station.

Waiting in the Car

The biggest change for us was not being able to walk him into the building. Wait outside in the car and then the pre-school staff came out.

David and I went together for the first time. He opened the window and they handed him the sign-in form to fill out.

When they came to the SUV they also had a thermometer with them to check his temperature. It was fine. Then Andrew headed to the door then came back for one last hug.

How the Day Went

I kept an eye on my phone for messages, so far just updates on what he is eating, the usual.

Picking up was again an outside affair. The pre-school supervisor came out with a sign out sheet and then went back in to get Andrew.

In the nearby playground some three-year-olds were going over their ABCs it was sweet to hear. It has been a while since he was their age.

Andrew came out with his mask on and we headed out.

Heading Home

David let him pick out dinner as a treat for being good and getting on the Super Star list on his first day back at pre-school.

Culver’s was today’s treat which a meal that comes with ice cream and he likes to have strawberries on his.

David drove through the drive-thru and then we ate at home out on our deck.

I asked him how his day went.

“We drew some and liked being able to do that again with my friends.”

“How many kids were there?”

“There were only four of us and we were all boys.”

It seemed that the day went well for him.

He didn’t have any major issues with going back and I hope the rest of the week goes well.

Next-Day Jitters

The second day was a little harder for him. He has to adjust to schoolwork again and other kids. I think a kid and him wanted to play on a swing at the same time and this caused some conflict between them.

We explained to him that he has to keep going back.

I think time will help as each day he becomes more used to the routine of school.

How the Week Went

By the end of the first week, he became comfortable with the changes and now is looking forward to seeing his friends each day.

I am glad we decided to do this with kindergarten being right around the corner.

David reading to him The Monster at the End of This Book: Starring Lovable, Furry Old Grover. This was my younger brother's favorite book when he was a kid.
David reading to him The Monster at the End of This Book: Starring Lovable, Furry Old Grover. This was my younger brother’s favorite book when he was a kid.
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