Seeing the World Like Marco Polo

Reading the book “Marco Polo Didn’t Go There” by Rolf Potts I was swept away into of world of adventure and faraway places. He provided glimpses into war-torn countries, such as Cambodia, where the dangers of unexploded land mines are still very real today. You follow him hiking through the top of the world in the Himalayas and learning about the wondrous culture of these lands.

Along with these explorations he talks about the art of travel writing giving you the chance to know what goes into a piece he writes and what is left out on the cutting room floor. The notes in the book provide further insight of the people he meets and the places he has seen.

He has traveled the world in off the beaten locales from Southeast Asia to Central America and many places in-between and his book provides the reader a chance to see that world in detail by detail.

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