Short Hike to Ball Mill Resurgence Sink Hole

Ball Mill Resurgence Natural Area is a short hike for a geologic wonder near Perryville, Mo. Nearby is a lithium natural spring.

On the trail you can read about the formation of the Ball Mill Resurgence.
On the trail, you can read about the formation of the Ball Mill Resurgence.

What Is a Resurgence?

A resurgence is a karst formation wherein a sinkhole that ordinarily drains water into an underground stream system will back up after heavy rain – as a storm sewer will.

In the case of Ball Mill Resurgence, it is a basin 20 feet in diameter, which is five feet deep on the downstream end but has a 50-foot wall of limestone rock on the other side.

During heavy rains, water backs up in this sinkhole and will even overflow into the nearby Blue Spring Branch.

Inside the sinkhole when the water is roiling rocks are tumbled around and somewhat polished. Hence the name “ball mill for this resurgence.

At the trailhead
At the trailhead

Our Day at Ball Mill Resurgence

Starting the Trail

The trailhead is off a gravel parking lot of CR916. There is space for about five cars. The trail is about a mile loop trail.

Heading through small woods along the field part of the trail system.
Heading through small woods along the field part of the trail system.

It starts on a narrow path going one direction with the area on your right being private property. This part goes through the woods and is fairly easy. As you come closer to where the trail loops you pass by a pond on the private property to the left. Here I saw some turtles sunning themselves.

Going Left

We headed to the left saving the best parts for last and going up into the hillside. We had to be careful here as you walk over a lot of tree roots.

One of the sinkholes in this area
One of the sinkholes in this area

In this area, you pass by some small brooks that were dry today. Also, there are sinkholes up here with the karst topography of this area. We kept winding through the woods until we started to head down.

Dry creek bed with the Ball Mill Resurgence in the distance
Dry creek bed with the Ball Mill Resurgence in the distance

At the Bottom

You come down the hill and come to a dry creek bed which can be filled with water on rainy days. Then I looked up the streambed and saw the Ball Mill Resurgence. We headed up the creek bed to it.

Andrew standing in front of the Ball Mill Resurgence.
Andrew standing in front of the Ball Mill Resurgence.

Ball Mill Resurgence

It was dry today. It has not rained in a while. Yet I could imagine water pouring down the high cliff face way above us and the water sloshing all about in the giant rock-filled hole. It must be something when strong storms fill this area with water.

Rocks rounded by the Ball Mill Resurgence.
Rocks rounded by the Ball Mill Resurgence.

I picked up a circular smooth rock and showed my son Andrew.

“You see how smooth this rock is, and here is another one. The water smooths these rocks when it sloshes around like a whirlpool,” I told him.

Rock pile in the Ball Mill Resurgence.
Rockpile in the Ball Mill Resurgence

Andrew then went about picking up a few and looking them over.

We spent time checking out the different rocks before heading in the other direction on the trail.

Boulders along the trail
Boulders along the trail

Heading Up

This was the best part. You follow the rocky cliff side up along the Ball Resurgence. To the left are huge fern and lichen-covered boulders. To the right is the creek that flows into the Ball Resurgence.

Dry falls
Dry falls

The creek was dry but is filled with a rocky exterior as the water has to step down even here to flow toward Blue Spring Branch. One section looks like rock walls for a stone structure, but it is just the cutting of the stone by the water.

Just before we headed to where the trail splits there is a tree that has fallen. It was not too bad to get around, but it does block the trail.

Andrew finding a vine-like rope along the trail.
Andrew finds a vine-like rope along the trail.

Final Thoughts

This area even dry was a fun jaunt. Without the water, I could still show Andrew the power of the water with the rounded shape of the rocks.

The trail is only a mile but we wandered a bit walking up and down the dry rocky creek bed that led to and from the Ball Mill Resurgence.

Up on top, it can be steep, so be careful in doing this. We also did this walk on a dry day, this could be a bit much on a rainy day with all these rocks. Just be careful and take your time here in exploring this geologic oddity.

Closeup of the Ball Mill Resurgence cliff side
Closeup of the Ball Mill Resurgence cliff side


The Drive: Take Interstate 55 south out of St. Louis. Then take Exit 135 and make a left onto Highway M. Then make a right onto US 61 going south. Take a left onto Highway V. This road becomes Perry County 916. Look for parking for Ball Mill Resurgence Natural Area on your left.

Hours: Sunrise to sunset

Admission: Free

Address: Perryville, MO 63775

Nearby Attraction

Spring can be found in this gazebo.
Spring can be found in this gazebo.

Lithium Springs

Just up the road from Ball Mill Resurgence Natural Area is Lithium. Here you can stop at Lithium Springs.

Drive from Ball Mill Resurgence: The springs can be found by going north on CR916 after going to Ball Mill Resurgence Natural Area then making a left onto CR922 then right on CR921. The springs are on your right in a white wooden gazebo with the words Lithium Springs on it. Here is where the spring flows out of a pipe into a stone area. Here you can help yourself to lithium spring water.

Hours: Sunrise to sunset

Admission: Free

Address: Saline Township, MO 63775


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