Snow began following at times with huge fluffy flakes and covering everything in white.
I spent the morning shoveling snow from the back door through the long cement driveway and then up the stairs to the front walkway. Someday Andrew will be big enough to do this.
Andrew watched some of the kids’ shows and then asked about going outside. The snow had stopped for a bit so I agreed.
I put a large coat on him along with snow boots and his winter hat.
“I want to wear my Spiderman gloves,” he pouted.
I explained to him, “If you want to go out you have to wear your leather gloves. The cloth ones will get all wet.”
“I won’t get them wet then.”
“Would you like to make a snowman?”
He nodded his head yes.
“Would you like to make snowballs?”
“Then you have to wear leather gloves.”
He thought for a moment.
I put all his winter gear and we headed out to the hill in the backyard. I tried using the sled board we had and it went deep into the snow. Maybe, I was too big on it. Then I noticed that it had a notch at the top, which I could pull him.
“Do you want me to pull you in the snow on this?”
He had watched me try to do it on my own and fail.

“How about we make a snowman together.”
He agreed so I began to try to make a ball. The snow was too soft, part of the problem with sledding. Then I began to pack it together and started building a mound.

Andrew wanted to make his own, “I’m making a volcano.”
I said that was fine.
I worked on the bottom level on mine. Then mashed more snow together to make the second level.
He noticed that it was coming along.

“Can I help with the head.”
So we packed the snow as tight as we could and put the head on it. It fell apart.
“Let’s try this again.”
After the third try and lots of packing, I got it to stay.
“It needs a mouth, nose, and eyes.”
I looked for what we had around. In a box, I found two large red Legos and a small blue scoop. I pasted them onto the snowman.
“I’m going to make a smiley face.”
He pushed his finger around and made the face.
We stood back for a moment and looked at our creation.
“I’m cold, I’m ready to go back in.”
I agreed. We took a photo. We called it Mini-Olaf and headed back inside.

It was a short period outside, but I enjoyed doing this with the kid. It wasn’t perfect, the snowman could have used more parts and I need to get a better sled, but it was our moment to play in the snow and that makes it a perfect snow day with our son!
This is a snow day memory I have with the kid, please feel free to share your own in the comments.