What Happens If The Airlines Loose Your Child’s Car Seat?

So we arrived Monday night in Boston and headed for baggage claim and waited for our suitcases and our car seat to put in his sister’s car for our son. We were seeing my husband’s family before heading to Europe.

After about 20 minutes the suitcases come but no car seat. We watch as the carousel keeps moving luggage around and around and fellow passengers empty it out until nothing is left. We decided it must be lost so we go to the baggage claim office that was nearby.

A nice lady said that it would come out of a different area. We waited.. and waited. We went back and asked once more. She was advised that it should be there shortly and we returned to hanging around by the luggage carousel. At least our son was preoccupied by running back and forth along the carousel, so he had no issues with this. Finally she called once more and said and they were having trouble locating it.

Luckily they had a loaner car seat for us to use and we headed out to his sister’s car. She had be waiting for his for a while. We apologized to her and she was very understanding since this was the airlines fault.

When we finally pulled into her driveway later than we had anticipated, they called to say that the car seat had been located and was with the next flight of luggage that had come in from St. Louis.

We surmised that maybe they had been too lazy to bring it forward and did it with the next flight arrival.

No matter, it still stunk for us, because we had to wait all that time for it.

They said they could deliver it to us at the earliest time of 4 am. Yeah, that doesn’t work. The next time they were doing deliveries was the next day.

The Next Morning

My husband called again and found out that it should arrive between 8 am and 1 pm. We did not receive it until 12:40 pm, so I guess they did make it by 1. Luckily, we didn’t have much planned to do this morning, or otherwise this would have been a major inconvenience since we had to be there to exchange the car seats. So.. yeah.. a bit of pain today. But I’m glad at least we have it.

So, what I think we learned was to stay in constant contact with the airline. The luggage can show up later that day and your dependent on their schedule. Most of all if you have a kid at least in Boston they have a loaner!

Easy to Move Luggage with Reversible Wheels. Also, it is probably a good idea to take a photo of your luggage so you know what it looks like. They wanted to know what the carseat looked like for us.

Luggage Footnote: Know The Airlines Weight Limits

We decided to go with two large suitcases to limit how much stuff we’re taking with us. We didn’t want to be running around airports with too much. Also, my husband found some with reversible wheels which helped in moving them along.

Our carry-on included my backpack and my son’s small superheroes backpack for his toys and books, so we had some things to keep him busy. I felt like we did good job packing since we were only using two big suitcases with around 50 pounds, the required wait limit for our flight.

The luggage was weighed for the Southwest flight to Boston. We found out that the luggage was fine for Boston at 50 pounds.

Yet, our next flight will be on Norwegian and the weight limit for them is 20 kilograms, which amounts to 44 pounds.

We have an extra backpack so we can move things around for the next leg of the trip and make the weight limits.

I just thought this was important to note on the discussion of luggage and that you should check the weight restrictions with each airline We could still use the suitcases but it will cost us extra, not cool!

What has been your experience with lost luggage or have you had a car seat lost? Feel free to leave comments below.


The Boston Airport’s Southwest Terminal has an awesome play area. Follow the link below for the full story!

Don’t Panic: Flight Delay With A Small Child

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